MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Category: Courses

snowboard camp in france

Roxy girls Snowboard Camp, Morzine 2012

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.   ROXY and StarSki Chalets have teamed up to create the ultimate in girls only snowboard camps hosted by Roxy ambassador Tammy Esten, a coach from the reputable MINT Snowboard School and UK Roxy Pro Riders . Together we’ve created a programme to allow for female snowboarders to enjoy a perfectly tailored snowboard holiday with…

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MINT to run first ever Snowboard Instructor Course in Morzine!

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. Peak Leaders launches Snowboard & Ski Instructor training course in Morzine, France, alongside MINT Snowboarding Peak Leaders, well known to be a market leader in wintersport gap programmes & instructor courses, have selected MINT Snowboard School to run their new snowboard training course taking place in Morzine, starting January…

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Just Freestyle snowboard camp, Avoriaz

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  See below a video edit made by Dan Jesse of the Just Freestyle snowboard camp in Avoriaz, France this March with Quiksilver. Thanks Dan! A great week filled with tons of progression and fun with coaching from Dave of MINT Snowboard School. Official camp photos taken by Damien McArthur…

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Reviews of MINT Snowboard School

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  Here at MINT we make every effort to help make your snowboard holiday in Morzine, Avoriaz or Les Gets a success… from the booking process, organising groups of level that work and, of course, providing you with the highest level of tuition and coaching on offer in the Portes…

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Herd Headwear supporting Just 4 Girls snowboard camps!

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We are stoked to announce a new partnership for the Just 4 Girls snowboard camps… and to introduce you to Herd Headwear! Herd Headwear is a local Whistler grassroots company created by a Norwegian snowboarder who came to Whistler, B.C. in 2001. From the love of the Canadian Mountains and…

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MINT coaching on the Roxy Snowboard Camp, March 2011

| Courses

MINT Snowboarding will be instructing on the Roxy snowboard camp being held in Morzine 20th – 27th March 2011. MINT instructor, Tammy Esten, will be coaching all aspects of intermediate / advanced level snowboarding… along with UK Roxy Pro Riders. For more info:

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Just Snowboard Camps, December 2010

| Courses

On 11th December, 25 snowboarders rocked up on the doorstep of our two chalets in Morzine for the Just Performance Lab and the Just 4 Girls snowboard camp. Having been blessed by great snow and then cursed by rain the week before the camps we were slightly unsure of what to…

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Just Snowboard camp update…

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First things first… we have just had a RAD facelift to the website for our snowboard camps, check it out We just love the graphics (thank you to the guys at! As I am sure everyone knows… its SNOWING! We have tons of snow in Morzine (let alone higher up in Avoriaz) and…

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We love boobies!

| Courses

Just Snowboard Camps & MINT Snowboarding are stoked to announce a new collaboration with the Keep a Breast Foundation ( The Keep A Breast Foundationâ„¢ is a non-profit organization that uses art, events & educational programs to raise awareness of methods of prevention and early detection of breast cancer among…

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