MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Reviews of MINT Snowboard School


Here at MINT we make every effort to help make your snowboard holiday in Morzine, Avoriaz or Les Gets a success… from the booking process, organising groups of level that work and, of course, providing you with the highest level of tuition and coaching on offer in the Portes du Soleil. Check out some of the testimonials we have received so far this winter:

 ‘Me and Nikki just wanted to say a big thanks to you and Dave for the snowboard lessons. Nikki was in group lessons last week taken by Dave Cooper. She said he was by far the best instructor she’d had, always calm and gave good encouragement. A big plus as well was that everyone in the group was almost at exactly the same level.’ Dave Streatfield

‘Thank you all very much for my lessons last week. I had an excellent time and have been commented on how much I improved over the week (girlfriend much happier to ski with me now).  Dave was an excellent instructor and generally pushed me well out of my comfort zone without scaring me too much. I was also surprised at how well Dave coped with a group feeling that I had a very personal service even in a group.  If I return to Morzine you guys will be my first stop.’ Graeme Higginbotham

‘Great teaching and a good giggle!’ Mike Taylor-West

‘Hi Tammy, just writing to say thanks to MINT and David for the lessons. The private lesson last year with you and the group lessons with Dave this year have moved my boarding on a lot. Your approach to teaching is awesome so thank you.’ Dave Clack

‘We have just got back from a week in Morzine where our son Angus had snowboarding lessons from Grant at MINT. The quality of tuition was fantastic, the progress he made was amazing and he is now a convert to snowboarding. Thanks to Grant for making Angus’s holiday such as success.’ Ian, Beth and Angus Binnian

‘My 2 hour lesson with Tammy started my holiday off to a really positive start. Her ability to teach and explain technique was excellent, and I came away with a smile on my face and a lot more confidence in my own ability. I would definitely recommend MINT.’ Rowena Edwards

‘Just wanted to say thanks again for a brilliant lesson on Sunday.  I was out for 4 hours yesterday, practicing on the same runs and capped it off with a run from Le Vaffieu to the base of the Pleney Ski Lift at the end of the afternoon – I was knackered after that, but grinning like the Cheshire Cat !’ Donald Stark

 ‘Just wanted to say how pleased we were with the course. Lessons were great fun and we really felt we had achieved a lot at the end of the three days, so big thanks to Dave and yourself.’ Lisa Basch

‘Just a quick note to say how much I appreciated the coaching I received from the MINT team during my recent visit to Morzine. The coaching I received from David Gladwin was fantastic. In three days I went from not being able to snowboard at all to linking turns! David’s tuition and attention to form were spot-on.’ Jon Shelby

‘David was an excellent instructor and made the week really enjoyable.’ Andrew & Vicky Curtis

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