MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Roxy girls Snowboard Camp, Morzine 2012



ROXY and StarSki Chalets have teamed up to create the ultimate in girls only snowboard camps hosted by Roxy ambassador Tammy Esten, a coach from the reputable MINT Snowboard School and UK Roxy Pro Riders . Together we’ve created a programme to allow for female snowboarders to enjoy a perfectly tailored snowboard holiday with the aim of progressing their riding to the next level. Our aim is simple – improvement and relaxation in style and comfort.

The ROXY Snow Camps have been designed specifically for girls who’d like to improve their snowboarding in an environment that provides everything they need for a thoroughly enjoyable week in the snowy mountains. Not only will you receive expert tuition with our Roxy Pro Rider and Tammy Esten of MINT Snowboarding in a girls only group, but also you’ll get pampered and entertained throughout a week of ultimate luxury. This totally new concept in snowboarding will help all our ROXY Girls to step up a level and match anyone for speed, technique and ability. Whilst we know that the main aim remains to improve your snowboarding we’ve also designed a programme for the week so you can enjoy your time off the slopes.

Dates: 18th – 25th March 2012

More info: Roxy Snowboard Camp, Morzine

Roxy Snowboard Camp 2012, Morzine


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