MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

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The Rock On Snowboard Tour, Avoriaz 2010

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This festival, hitting Avoriaz this winter, will see the biggest snow covered dance-floor in the mountains with thousands set to dance ‘till dawn. Rock star in the making, Gaston Pluton, the Air Guitar Champion of France will perform his all-action routine to a host of rock rift-heavy classics. This is…

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We love boobies!

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Just Snowboard Camps & MINT Snowboarding are stoked to announce a new collaboration with the Keep a Breast Foundation ( The Keep A Breast Foundationâ„¢ is a non-profit organization that uses art, events & educational programs to raise awareness of methods of prevention and early detection of breast cancer among…

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Help us save the Lindarets Snowpark

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It’s confirmed, the snowpark will not be back in Lindarets this season! This park will return to its original location next to the boarder-cross on Arare where there is no dedicated lift… NOT GOOD AT ALL! The rumours behind the decision to move the snowpark is that the snowpark wouldn’t…

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