MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

The Rock On Snowboard Tour, Avoriaz 2010

Rock on 2010, Avoriaz

This festival, hitting Avoriaz this winter, will see the biggest snow covered dance-floor in the mountains with thousands set to dance ‘till dawn. Rock star in the making, Gaston Pluton, the Air Guitar Champion of France will perform his all-action routine to a host of rock rift-heavy classics.

This is what Glaston does…

The Shred Zone will see a snow park completely transformed by specially commissioned musical instruments; each specifically designed to create a stunning landscape for riders to perform tricks on. Here professionals will compete in Best Pro Tricks, with the winner carrying away a guitar and Gibson amp for the best tricks performed over the area.

Along with the plethora of events at Rock On Snowboard Tour & Come On Ski 2010 will be over 40 top ski and snowboard brands exhibiting for enthusiasts and beginners after the latest kit at discounted prices. Free board test ‘drives’ of will be available to all with the opportunity to win the ridden board.

The festival will crescendo in the resort centre on Saturday night with the Grand Finale Freestyle Show. The winter festival season in the French Alpine resort of Avoriaz kicks of on 11th – 12th December with the mighty Rock On Snowboard Tour & Come On Ski 2010. More details here

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