MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Summer fun & shenanigans in Tignes

.Tignes summer snowboarding


MINT instructor Tammy joined snowboard coach Ben Kinnear and surf coach Joel Gray & co in Tignes for a few days of summer fun last weekend. Ben & Joel had got a bunch of GB grom snowboarders & surfers together for an action packed cross-training trip involving 3 days of surfing in Cornwall and 3 days of snowboarding in Tignes. In general the surfers had never snowboarded before and nor had the snowboarders surfed… but all took up their respective new sports at an impressive speed.

Let the following pictures tell the tale of:

An epic afternoon of shenanigans spent driving up towards the Col de l’Iseran and over onto the Solaise area of Val d’Isere via a pretty exciting dirt track and river crossing. The courageous members of the gang jumped into the lake which was only 4̊ and then the action moved onto building a small jump for the surfers to get some air.

4-wheel drive river crossing

No need for a 4-wheel drive for a river crossing!

Lac de l'Ouillette solaise val d'isere

Hanging out at the Lac de l'Ouillette above Val d'Isere

Ben Kinnear & Paddy Daniel taking the plunge

Ben & Paddy taking the plunge

Paddy Daniel

With just a couple of days of snowboarding under his belt, surfer Paddy Daniel is ripping!

Seth's first jump, second attempt... boom!

Enjoying the views over the Lac de l'Ouillette and over to Tignes

Enjoying the views over the Lac de l'Ouillette and over to Tignes

The Lac de l'Ouillette with Tignes in the background

The Lac de l'Ouillette with Tignes in the background


A morning in the snowpark up on the Tignes glacier with the groms, with some impressive riding going down. Having recently had knee surgery (& 6 months of rehab before being able to get back on a board) Tammy was stoked to get her first snowboard in… a piggy back all the way down the Grande Motte.

Matt McCormick snowboarder UK

Matt McCormick sending it!

Tammy snowboard

Tammy stoked to be snowboarding again, even if a piggy back ride down... thanks to Ben!

Kids on sleds

Representing for Roxy, surfer Holly Donnelly & Tammy

Representing for Roxy, surfer Holly Donnelly & Tammy

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