MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Snowboarding for the First Time? Check out our First Day Tips!


Winter is coming!  Frosty mornings in the UK and snow falling in Europe is getting everyone excited for another amazing season!  Is this the winter you will take your first steps towards becoming hooked on snowboarding?  Well read on to get those all essential first day tips for your first foray into the mountains.

Weather – check the forecast. Is it going to be windy, sunny, snowy or cloudy and what is the temperature? All this will influence your clothing choices.  There is nothing worse than being COLD!  BRRRRR!

Goggles – They will help protect your eyes from sun and wind as well as helping you see better in poor light conditions. Goggles will protect your eyes better than sunglasses as well as less likely to fall off, get broken or lost!

Gloves – Remember your hands will be touching the cold wet snow quite a bit so make sure you have some warm and waterproof gloves or mittens.

Protect your face – A decent bandana or micro fibre fleece will protect your face but also make everything feel a bit more snug if the cold is biting!

Stretch – Stretching both before and after will help avoid injuries as well as muscle recovery, a good warm up can help too!  Click here for some snowboard stretching tips!

Helmet – Keeps your head protected as well as warm and dry.

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Layers – your first layer should be thermals to keep you warm and dry. Definitely avoid cotton. You will use up a lot of energy in your first few days on a board, so may not need as many layers as you think

Jacket & Pants – You will need jacket & pants that are wind & water resistant as well as being breathable. Think comfort not fashion. A good 6,000mm waterproof and breathability rating should get you started.

Feet – Comfortable feet are key. Only one pair of socks (avoid cotton) and make sure they are pulled up without creases. And you want no inner layers tucked into your boots.

Fuel Up – you will need the energy!  We love porridge and fruit in the mornings!

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Snacks – Fill your pockets with snacks!  Granola bars are a must!

Hydration – altitude contributes to dehydration, along with all the exercise you will be doing!  Make sure you drink plenty of water!!!

Backpack – don’t take one! It will put you off balance, distract you and thus hinder progression. All you need with you are a wallet, sun cream, lift pass, phone… don’t weigh yourself down with anything else.

Sun Cream – Don’t forget to use it, the sun is stronger than you think in the mountains.

Check your kit – Make sure you check your kit in the morning, especially your bindings, nothing worse than getting up the gondola to find you are missing a strap!

Dry your kit – Nothing worse than wet gloves or boots in the morning, make sure you dry them over night!

Relax – no need to be nervous. Enjoy the experience of learning something new. Your instructor will have taught plenty of beginners before and the others in the group are in the same situation as you.

Apres – Don’t be a fool, get straight to Apres after riding, if you head back to the chalet you will miss all the fun!

So that’s it!  Get out there and enjoy the experience of being in the fresh air on the mountain, take in the views and make sure you take advantage of a cheeky apres beer or hot chocolate!  You will deserve it!  Remember we are a Burton Experience Snowboarding Centre and offer lots of options for snowboard lessons, snowboard camps and courses to get you shredding!!!

See you in the snow!




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