MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Win a Roxy hat!

Win Roxy hat

Here at MINT Snowboard School we have 5 Roxy hats to giveaway and it couldn’t be easier to enter…

MINT founder & Roxy ambassador, Tammy Esten, will be coaching on the Roxy snowboard camp in Morzine this winter. To enter check out the poster below and answer the following question & ‘like’ the MINT Snowboarding Facebook page:

What dates is the Roxy snowboard camp in Morzine running this winter?

Email your answer to and put ‘Roxy’ in subject line. Closing date is Friday 17th February.

Roxy girls snowboard camp 2012

Roxy girls snowboard camp 2012


For more information on the Roxy girls snowboard camp click here!

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