MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Roxy hat competition – winners announced!


A few weeks ago we ran a competition to win one of five Roxy beanies. All you had to do was ‘like’ the MINT Snowboarding Facebook page and answer the following question:

What dates is the Roxy snowboard camp in Morzine running this winter?

Answer: 18th to 25th March 2012

Congratulations to the 5 lucky winners of a rad Roxy beanie:

  • Alex Heffler
  • Kate Mackay
  • Sue Mason
  • Louise Martin
  • Debbie Wright
There are a few spaces left on the Roxy snowboard camp in Morzine, so get involved if you are looking for a springtime snowfix. More info here.

Roxy girls snowboard camp 2012

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