MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Off-piste Snowboard Camp, Morzine 2012

Once upon a time, in an extremely cold snowy inhospitable place, 6 gladiators pitted themselves for a week of backcountry snowboarding against the mountains of the Portes du Soleil…

Vallee de la manche morzine


They were led by MINT snowboard guides David Gladwin & Tammy Esten into the untouched, secret off-piste spots of the Portes du Soleil resorts around Morzine, Avoriaz & Chatel…

MINT Snowboarding off piste & backcountry guides


It snowed on call every night, laying down knee deep powder for the following day…

Fresh snow portes du soleil


The mountains drew blood…

Brian Johnston snowboard guru


But they continued to shred…

Henry Shackleton Portes du Soleil backcountry powder


The mountain tried to swallow them up…

Heinzy stuck in a crack in the snowpack


But they continued to shred…

Morzine off piste snowboarding

Avoriaz off piste backcountry snowboarding


Tons was learnt by all; avalanche awareness, terrain analysis, snowpack stability, transceiver use as well as backcountry techniques to riding the deep deep powder to name but a few…

Learning about off piste snowboarding

Transceiver search training


And the snow never stopped falling, and again they continued to shred…

Off piste snowboarding guiding Portes du Soleil


And happy faces were permanent fixtures for the week…

Advanced snowboard guiding


Many thanks to:

The 6 Gladiators for being keen & solid shredders

The Mountain Gods for producing bottomless powder in a seemingly endless supply for the week


Some of the off piste routes done (as well as many secret spots to boost):

Pointe de Vorlaz

Pointe De Linderets

Vallée de la Manche (several variants)

Crozat Bowl (several variants)

The Croset Couloirs x5

We are now taking bookings for our winter 2013/14 Back Country and Split Boarding Courses.  For more information head on over to our Snowboard Camp page.  We look forward to seeing you in the pow soon! 

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