MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Morzine Snowboard Club – Spring Camp 2016



Sign your kids up to the end of season Local Kids Snowboard Camp with MINT Snowboarding… It’ll be their best week of the season!    


On April 18th 2016 MINT Snowboarding will again be running their hugely successful end of season snowboard camp dedicated to local kids!

For children aged 3 years and up, the snowboard camp is open to all ages and levels from first slide, to confident cruisers and a group specifically for freestyle rippers.


The goal has always been to share our passion for snowboarding with the local kids” said Tammy Esten from MINT HQ this week “Our Local Kids Snowboard Club in Morzine has really taken off over the last few years and I think that the whole team will agree that this is some of the most fun & rewarding teaching that we do


morzine snowboard club


The MINT Team of instructors are passionate about developing the local talent, as well as making snowboarding accessible and fun for all kids in the Morzine area!


Week Plan: Starting Monday 18th April 2016

Monday & Tuesday – two hours a day

Wednesday – no lesson

Thursday – two hours

Friday – two hour lesson, including a Kids Snowboard Compeititon at the Trashers park for them to show off their skills (Mum’s & Dad’s can join in too)


Important Info

Cost: 150€ for the week

Group size: max 6, min 4 (with max group size of 4 for the littler ones (with added help from trainee instructors))

Lesson Time: 13.00 – 15.00 hrs, when the snow is softer (easier for learning & softer for landing jumps!)

Levels: All level groups running. From first slide mini-shred (3 – 6 yrs), to those who have had an intro to snowboarding already, confident cruisers as well as a group for freestyle rippers.


To get your kids involved in The MINT Morzine Snowboard Club please get in touch!

We’d like to know the following:

» Name of your child

» Age

» As much info as possible on their previous snowboard experience (how many times have they given it a go, are they turning yet, if so on what types of slopes etc)


Come join the MINT Local Kids Snowboard Club this spring!


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