MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Help us save the Lindarets Snowpark

It’s confirmed, the snowpark will not be back in Lindarets this season! This park will return to its original location next to the boarder-cross on Arare where there is no dedicated lift… NOT GOOD AT ALL!

The rumours behind the decision to move the snowpark is that the snowpark wouldn’t be profitable, that the big kickers would get too dangerous and that some ski schools would petition for the park to be dismantled because it encroaches on their teaching area.

These might be acceptable excuses in many French resorts but not in Avoriaz. Avoriaz has always been at the forefront of the snowboarding scene and has always been successful, so what is the reason to change that now?

PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION so that we can let the people at the top know that we’re not going to take this lying down. The Avoriaz snowparks are an important part of the success of the resort and they should be placed in the best possible place for their users, NOT in a valley that is cold and icy and has no lift!

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