MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Join us and SKI 2 THE MOON this winter!



This winter MINT Snowboarding is stoked to be partnered with Ski 2 the Moon, an amazing new event & app set to create snowsports history! And we want you to get involved!

The idea is simple. We want to ski 2 the moon. Literally (well actually to snowboard there, of course!). And you can help us. All you need to do is download the free Ski 2 the Moon app onto your smartphone, switch it on when you start sliding, and every mile skied is then tracked by the App. Everyone’s mileage is then added together to contribute to the grand total… our target … 238,855 miles… the distance to The Moon! Click here for the Apple Store for iPhone users. Click here for Android users.


But why we hear you ask???

Ski 2 the Moon is an event organised by Snow Camp, the charity set up to support inner-city young people, raising money to get them up the mountains we know and love. And their work changes lives.

In the past Snow Camp has organised events such as the Alpine Challenge and the Snow-Camp Rally but these events are always limited to a certain location, on a certain date. Ski 2 The Moon is open to everyone, everyday, whether you’re riding in Morzine, Breckenridge, Whistler or Neikso you can get involved with Ski 2 the Moon!

The app is totally free. It is totally fun. And because the app is powered by Ski Tracks it means we also get the added benefit of all the amazing Ski Tracks features such as measuring speed, total distance, vertical drop and GPS tracking which maps the route on Google maps! It is also free to use when on the slopes as it does not require data roaming to operate.

So set yourself your own personal mileage target. If you are in Avoriaz with your mates – set a 200 mile target and achieve this over a week. If you are learning to slide on the Morzine / Pleney– challenge yourself to 5 miles in a day. If you are doing a season– set a target of 2,000 miles, and get sliding!

All we ask is that you create a Just Giving page with you personal Ski 2 The Moon challenge. You can share it with friends and family and if they choose to donate that would be Ski 2 The Moon fantastic! There will also be other ways to support the charity through text giving, with all funds raised supporting Snow-Camp’s work with inner city young people.

So, snowboards and skis at the ready…  get ready to Ski 2 The Moon!


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