MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Jenny Jones’ Victory Bus Parade through Bristol


In the last three weeks since that incredibly nerve wracking morning of the Women’s Snowboard Slopestyle Finals at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, Jenny Jones has become a national hero. And so should she, winning the historic first ever Team GB medal on snow.

The response to Jenny’s snowboard Olympic bronze medal win has been phenomenal to say the least; from photos on the front cover of just about every national newspaper, visits to Downing Street, numerous appearances on TV including the Jonathan Ross Show and several more to come… the coverage is endless. And it couldn’t come to a more deserving person, nor to a better ambassador for snowboarding in the UK as well as a role model for all sports.

MINT Snowboarding founder Tammy, a close friend of the superstar, joined Jenny on an open-top victory bus tour through Bristol on Monday 3rd March, along with the various Mayors of Bristol, friends & family and a ton of paparazzi. It was an incredible event, starting at Jenny’s old school and ending in the city center, follow by a Civic reception at the City Hall. In typical Jenny style, she was worried no-one would come out to watch… but she couldn’t have been more wrong as hundreds of people lined the streets to see Jenny Jones paraded through the city. It was fantastic to see people from all walks of life stop what they were doing and wave her by. And in return Jenny jumped, waved & danced her way along atop the bus!

All in all, it was a ridiculously fun day and great to see so much support from the public… lets hope Jenny has inspired a whole new generation of UK snowboarders! Check out our photos below:


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