MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Groove Armada to head Freeze Festival 2011

Freeze Festival 2011 LondonA great line up has been signed up for the UK’s biggest winter sports and music festival, with electro music legends Groove Armada confirmed to head the Friday night. Other acts announced to be on the bill for the Friday night are Red Light, Zane Lowe and Beardyman. The festival, taking place at Battersea Power Station in London on the 28th – 29th October, will also host The Streets, Everything Everything and The Joy Formidable on the Saturday night.

In addition to the music, the event will also see the world’s best skiers and snowboarders competing on the specially erected 100m long, 32m high real snow kicker, which for two days becomes an iconic site in London’s skyline.

We look forward to seeing you there…!






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