MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Early Bird Offer on winter 2014/15 Snowboard Courses!

snowboard, course, camp, morzine, avoriaz


To celebrate the upcoming winter season and the fact that we have set the dates for our busy snowboard course schedule for winter 2014/15, we are offering a DISCOUNTED RATE IF YOU GET BOOKED IN EARLY. Book by the end of August 2014 to get a reduced rate, see the individual course for details of the offer.

The MINT Snowboard Courses are the best way to progress your riding to the next level and give you a totally unique, fun focused coaching experience. Full days  are spent with one of our top level snowboard coaches ripping up the slopes of the Portes du Soleil showing & sharing how much fun can be had on a snowboard.

A unique range of courses are offered to provide a snowboard camp to suit everyone… whether your aims are to develop a strong riding style all over the mountain, ride epic backcountry lines or learn new tricks in the park. Check out the dates and get booked & paid up by end of August for the discounted rates!

*NEW* Beginners Snowboard Camp
15th – 19th December 2014

Shred Progression Intermediate
15th – 19th December 2014
5th – 9th January 2015

Shred Progression Advanced Camp
15th – 19th December 2014
5th – 9th January 2015

Freestyle Camp
19th – 23rd January 2015

Backcountry Snowboard Camp
12th – 16th January 2015

*NEW* Mixed Splitboard & Backcountry Course
16th – 20th March 2015


Join us for a fun & progressive week of getting totally amped on snowboarding!


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