MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Fun mini-shred snowboard sessions!


We have had a fun few weeks with some great mini-shredders out in resort. It is great to be getting kids into the sport at a younger age and proving that the old wives tales, preaching that you must be 8 years or older to snowboard, are nothing but false! We have a full fleet of mini kids Burton snowboard equipment, with snowboards starting at 80 cm, and recently we have been making the most of it!

Daisy, age 8, and Mila, age 6,  Blackwell spent a week having lessons with MINT instructor Dave Gladwin (aka Mr MINT), forming the new snowboard posse ‘Team Snowflake‘. This is what their dad David had to say: ‘Amazing job by Dave, the girls had a great time, improved faster than we could have ever imagined (thanks to all Dave’s ingenious tips) and just loved the whole experience. I can’t recommend you guys highly enough, we are very proud and happy parents.’

The next new snowboard team to be formed was ‘Team Shred‘, when MINT instructor Tammy headed over to Chamonix to teach the McNab girls, Manon, age 7, & Loren, age 4, and their friends Izzie, age 9, & Maddy, age 6. The Les Houches ski area is perfect for mini-shredders and a great place to introduce the littler ones to snowboarding! Big smiles all round!

Check out some very cute pictures of mini-shred as well as a funny video clip of 4 year old Loren’s first go on a snowboard!



For more info on children’s snowboard lessons follow this link.

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