MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Burton Riglet Park heads to Hemel Snow Centre


Winter is definitely not over… whilst we are in Tignes riding epic powder, back in the UK its time to get your kids on the snow!  The Burton Riglet Park will be setting up at The Snow Centre, Hemel Hempstead on Monday 5th May to help celebrate The Snow Centres 5th Birthday and the launch of Burton Riglet program for the forthcoming winter. Thinking about taking your kids snowboarding next winter? This is a great opportunity to introduce them to the sport in advance and even for them to get a gold medal of their very own!

The Burton Riglet Park is especially built for kids aged three to six years old and is designed to give them a taste of snowboarding in a fun and easy environment. The Snow Centre will have instructors on hand to help pull kids in the right direction, who knows they may even find our next snowboard Olympian?

The Burton Riglet Park will be set up on snow in the car park. Please make sure your kids are dressed appropriately for the weather… whilst boots, boards, bindings and helmets are all provided!

The date and times are:

 Monday 5th May 2014

Session 1 – 10am – 12pm

Session 2 – 13.00 – 15.00

The Snow Centre, St Albans Hill, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 9NH.

There is no need to book please just turn up on the day and register at the Burton Riglet tent in the car park and most importantly participation is Free!

Burton Riglet, Hemel Hempstead, UK

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