MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

MINT is at now The Woods …. the new Burton Learn to Ride Centre in Morzine



It was a match made in snowboard heaven…the woods morzine

 … a shop dedicated to providing the best snowboarding equipment money can buy… a snowboard school committed to giving the best snowboarding lessons on the planet. So this winter, MINT Snowboard School decided to team up with The Woods snowboard shop in Morzine …

snowboard school morzine
The Woods have stocked up on all the latest Burton snowboard equipment ready and  available for you to rent. We have an amazing new office in The Woods where you can come and see us and say hello. Making us the official Burton Learn to Ride  Centre in Morzine.

 The Burton Learn to Ride   concept is simple.
Give the best snowboarding equipment in the world to the best snowboarding schools in the world, to create a world class learning experience for snowboarders of all levels.Screenshot (4) - Copy

But The Woods didn’t want to stop there… They went Burton wild. They decided to stock up on the rest of the best of Burton 14/15. From Riglet boards for mini-shredders* to progression boards for improvers and  intermediate riders, to high end Burton performance boards they have it all.

And if you  get through that lot they’ve even got themselves some lovely splitboards for you to play  on, which basically means they have everything you could ever Burton need.

Check out  here for more info on their Burton snowboard rental fleet in Morzine.

So come say hi to Claire at MINT Snowboard School HQ in The Woods, and rent yourself some snowboard fun! Our office hours are 15:30 – 19:30 and we love visitors.

*mini-shredder, 3 – 7 year olds who prove you are never too young to shred.

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