MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Ask the Burton Expert about your perfect snowboard set up.

peak leaders burton instructor course


If you are heading to the London Ski and Snowboard Show at Earls Court today or tomorrow a visit to the Peak Leaders stand is a must. Our partners, Peak Leaders & Burton Snowboards, are hosting a great little event between 2pm and 4pm, where you can gain some valuable snowboard technical advice from one of Burton UK’s top experts.

Dr Chris will be at the Peak Leaders stand to offer useful advice to people who are looking for the perfect snowboard setup for the coming season. Peak Leaders are now partnered with Burton Snowboards and this new pairing give you the opportunity to gain some cracking advice that will no doubt help you prepare for the coming winter.

Peak Leaders are on stand E45 (opposite the North Face stand) so make sure you pop along between 2 – 4 pm.

This winter MINT Snowboarding has partnered with Peak Leaders to offer the first ever snowboard instructor course in Morzine & the Portes du Soleil resorts; allowing enthusiastic shredders to obtain an internationally recognized snowboard instructor qualification in Europe’s snowboarding capital. If you are taking a gap year, an extended holiday or looking for a career change; we have the experience and industry contacts to help you on your journey.

Take a look here for more info on the MINT / Peak Leaders 2013 instructor course.


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