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Swatch Girls Pro 2011, Hossegor


We were lucky enough to be in Hossegor last week, not only to get the first waves in since the winter but also to watch the Swatch Girls Pro surf contest in Hossegor. Watch the highlights of the finals here:


Sally Fitzgibbons (AUS) defeated Sage Erickson (USA) on an epic final day of competition to win the SWATCH GIRLS PRO France at Seignosse in Hossegor.

Both Fitzgibbons and Erickson surfed at their limit on the final day of competition in front of the packed holiday crowd who flocked to the beach to support some of the world’s finest women’s surfers, but it was Fitzgibbons who found the scores needed to take the SWATCH GIRLS PRO victory.

Fitzgibbons, who is currently rated No. 2 on the elite ASP Women’s World Title Series, competed in her second consecutive SWATCH GIRLS PRO France event and her victory marks her third major ASP win this year. Erickson was impressive throughout the entire competition, eventually defeating Sarah Baum in the Semifinals, but was unable to surpass Fitzgibbons for the win.

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