MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

December Snowboard Camps

Looking for an early season snowboard holiday in Europe?

Join us in Morzine / Avoriaz the week of 12th December 2015 and kick start your season with a week of fun and progression. Due to popular demand we have now organised a second exclusive accommodation offer in the centre of Morzine, again at a bargain rate for those joining us.


Snowboard Course Details:

Technical Performance Camp

14th – 18th December 2015

Even if you’re fairly content rider, a week with professional instruction will help you enjoy it 10 times more. In this course we’ll help you develop of a solid platform from which you can further progress your riding to dominate over the whole mountain. More info on the Technical Performance Camp.

Beginners Snowboard Camp

14th – 18th December 2015

Join us on this unique week created for beginners learning to snowboard. Enjoy discovering the world of snowboarding with others of your level. More info on the Beginners Snowboard Camp.

snowboard camp europe

NEW Accommodation Details:

Having already filled up 1 chalet, we have now secured another great accommodation deal for those on our December Snowboard Camps… and at a bargain rate! We have now taken on rooms in the fantastic centrally located Chalet Joseph with Rude Chalets.

From Saturday 12th – Saturday 19th December 2015

The price of the accommodation is as follows:

Shared twin room: £285 (including transfers)

Single occupancy: £385 (including transfers)

Included in this is:

7 nights accommodation

Three course evening meal, six nights per week

Unlimited wine throughout your stay!

Continental breakfast six days a week with 2 daily cooked options

Afternoon tea including homemade cakes/biscuits, tea and coffee, fruit, bread and jam

Honesty bar with beer

Fridge stocked with complimentary Red Bull

Check here for further info on the Chalet Joseph.


Also the week of 13th December, Snowbombing is bringing their new music festival, Transition to Avoriaz. There will be a first class dance lineup across a medley of unique and interesting venues in Avoriaz, including a party in the Stash! You can find out more on the Transition website.

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