MINT Snowboarding since 2006. Award winning snowboard school

Burton Riglet Park UK Tour



Burton UK have just announced that they are hitting the UK roads with their Riglet Park… MINI-SHRED IS ON! This is a great chance for kids to experience snowboarding before booking that winter holiday, so check out the dates and hopefully there is one near you.


Burton Riglet kids UK snowboard Tour

October 4th and 5th: Snow Factor, Braehead, Scotland
October 15th: Aberdeen Snowsports Centre, Aberdeen, Scotland
October 18th and 19th: Snowdome, Tamworth, England
October 31st – 2nd November: The Ski and Snowboard Show, London, England

The Burton Riglet Park is especially built for kids aged three to six years old (four to six at Tamworth only) and is designed to give them a taste of snowboarding in a fun and easy environment. There will be instructors on hand at each stop to help pull kids in the right direction, who knows we may even find are next snowboard Olympian?

Most importantly participation is Free!

Keep in touch with the Burton UK Facebook page for more info regarding timings & bookings.

If you are looking for the perfect snowboard holiday for your kids, then why not join us in Morzine, France over the Easter holidays for our specialised Mini-Shred weeks?! Accommodation is in a Rudechalets luxury chalet whilst MINT Snowboard School provide expert, fun-focused tuition for the children… and with a specialised fleet of Burton Snowboards’ Learn To Ride snowboard equipment.

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